Value Education & Higher Education
Value Education & Higher Education
Dr.Shubhangi D.Rathi
Smt.P.K.Kotecha Mahila Mahavidhalaya
Bhusawal (Maharashtra)
Always we see the college students came in
the college but not sit in the class room. Stand hour to hour on the coin box
or in the cycle stand with friends or mobile. Mobile is always near the ear.
Number of students chatting in canteen .Many youth addict of vices. Now a day
we read in the newspaper, college youth accepted immoral way. They are become a leader of
thief. Educated students are adopting the wrong ways. They adopt the evil ways;
hurt the people in the society physically & emotionally. So create the
problem of human being. So we see "The present conditions of the world are economic instability,
social dissensions, political dissatisfaction and international distrust --
should awaken the youth from their slumber and make them enquire what the future
is going to bring. In order for youth to contribute to the
enjoyment of human rights and the establishment of world peace, the world
community must provide the necessary means for educating youth in both
practical skills and spiritual values.
of education
Education is a very important role in our
lives. Everyone has been being educated since the day they were born. There is
a rapidly growing demand for a higher education in the world today. Higher
education is difficult to receive, the rewards of self-improvement, job
insurance, a development of character, and social improvements. With a higher
education we are insured that we will have a better paying job.
Education in India is seen as one of the ways
to upward social mobility. Good education is seen as a stepping stone to a high
flying career. Education System in India currently represents a great paradox.
On the one hand we have IIMs & IITs that rank among the best institutes in
the world and on the other hand there are number of schools in the country that
don't even have the basic infrastructure. Even after more than 64 years after
independence we are far away from the goal of universal literacy. But on a
positive note, Indian professionals are considered among the best in the world
are in great demand. This signifies the inherent strength of Indian education
students of tomorrow’s citizen:
of today are the citizens of tomorrow students life is the most impressionable
period of life and during this period, the foundations of life are laid, so
they should develop the qualities of head and heart which may stand them in
good way to future. We are in need of capable teachers, professors, skilled
physicians, surgeons, engineers, technicians and skilled workers. The students
should get ranks in such professions. They can do the only by concentrating on
their respective courses and do not waste their energy on political or other
Progress in
Higher Education:
educational journey of India during the last six decades after independence has
been quite exciting. The growth in the area of higher education has also been
rather impressive. The trajectory of expansion, however, requires a qualitative
shift. It must address issues relating to quality and inclusiveness. The new
wave of institution-building should be supported by public investment. There
are concerns that in the present phase of expansion, the privatization and
globalization might create serious distortions affecting adversely access,
inclusiveness and quality
The Educational structure in India which
operates at all conceivable levels from pre-school to post doctoral is of
monumental proportions. According to a World Bank report there are more than
7,40,000 formal schools; more than 3.6 million teachers are working on full
time basis; there are more than 175 Universities offering under graduate and
post graduate courses and about 6000 colleges affiliated to these universities.
The quality of higher education in India has been attracting students to Indian universities from world over. India welcomes students from all over the world, especially children of the Indian Diasporas. Umbilical ties, shared culture, a feeling of 'home away from home' and rich variety of quality education are the main reasons for opting for India as a higher education destination. Centre’s of academic excellence with a well defined, recognized and regulatory system have added to the charm of 'Destination India' in students' journey towards higher education and assured career. India is conscious of the importance of accessibility to NRIs/PIOs and hence has made its visa procedures extremely simple.
The quality of higher education in India has been attracting students to Indian universities from world over. India welcomes students from all over the world, especially children of the Indian Diasporas. Umbilical ties, shared culture, a feeling of 'home away from home' and rich variety of quality education are the main reasons for opting for India as a higher education destination. Centre’s of academic excellence with a well defined, recognized and regulatory system have added to the charm of 'Destination India' in students' journey towards higher education and assured career. India is conscious of the importance of accessibility to NRIs/PIOs and hence has made its visa procedures extremely simple.
has the second largest education system in the world after the United States,
but only a small 6 percent of the
relevant age group of 18-23 is enrolled in Higher education, compared
with about 40 percent in developed countries. If the percentage goes up, the existing network of universities and
colleges will be unable to cope with the influx.
Role of UGC:
Ø The
need of the hour is to inculcate human values in the students, like quest for
peace, adherence to truth and right conduct, non-violence, compassion,
tolerance, love for all living beings, respect for the Motherland and the glory
of its culture and traditions, in order to promote societal concern and responsible citizenship; so that such an
effort is in the interest of the students, society and the nation. The UGC is
taking up the nodal responsibility for this, in pursuance of its X Plan Policy
Ø It
is entirely feasible to inculcate ‘values’ in the students at the tertiary
level and there are several institutions in the country where such value-based
education is imparted with impressive results. It requires sustained efforts to
practice, absorb and assimilate values. A Cell for Value Education is
established at the UGC to plan, implement and oversee this requirement. The UGC
together with NAAC could play a crucial role in realizing this objective.
Ø It
is desirable that human values are permeating and form part of the teaching in
all disciplines and subjects. The UGC is playing an important role in spreading
this message in the University system in the country.
Ø The
UGC is work towards evolving a syllabus for a compulsory paper of appropriate
credits at the undergraduate level of all disciplines, to stress human
Ø Alternately,
the compulsory paper on “Environmental Science”, introduced by UGC, is suitably
elaborated to bring forth environmental concerns in the backdrop of human
values. However, introducing an optional paper on this subject, with the
possibility of giving some incentives for taking such papers is a wise step.
The UGC Committees of Experts on Value Education as well as on Environmental
Science are considering this issue jointly and work out a suitable strategy in
this regard.
Ø It
is recommended that the evaluation criteria of institutions should be so spelt
out as to give due weight to the inculcation of human values, and that the
‘Healthy Practices’ identified during the Assessment exercises be widely
disseminated by NAAC for the benefit of other institutions. Both the UGC and
the NAAC are playing useful roles in this initiative.
per the guidelines of UGC in North Maharashtra University,Jalgaon restructure
their syllabus in Academic year 2007-2008 for Arts & Science faculty &
2008-2009 in Commerce faculty .In this syllabus introduce human values. In
those days in our university & colleges organized seminar on this issue at
various level. Environment Science is introduced for all first year students of
all faculties.
Lastly it can conclude that higher education
is harder to get, but it will make our happier later in life. By gaining skills
in knowledge we become more content with ourselves. A better job will make our
life less financially stressful. Character development will give us a higher
self -esteem. Social skills will help us get along with others. Now a day we
see, more and more people will begin to realize that a higher education can be
very rewarding.
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