
फेब्रुवारी, २०१४ पासूनच्या पोेस्ट दाखवत आहे

Role of Mahatma Gandhi in Women's Political Participation

Role of Mahatma Gandhi in Women's Political Participation                                                        Dr. Shubhangi Rathi Associate Professor & H.O.D. Poliical Science, Smt. P.K. Kotecha Mahila Mahavidhalaya, Bhusawal.(Maharashtra- India) Chairman, Board of Studies of Political Science, North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon. "I would boycott that legislature which will not have a proper share of women members" Mahatma Gandhi Introduction:          Mahatma Gandhi has been played an important role to participate women in political activities in Indian. Gandhi becomes uncompromising in the matter of women’s rights. According to him woman is companio...

Pandit Nehru’s Thoughts on Socialism

          Pandit Nehru’s Thoughts on Socialism                                                                                                Paper Presented by                                                                                              Dr.Shubhangi Rat...

Mahatma Gandhi’s Thoughts on Education

Mahatma Gandhi’s Thoughts on Education Dr.Shubhangi Dinesh Rathi Associate Professor &  H.O.D. Political Science Smt.P.K. Kotecha Mahila Maha.Bhusawal Dist. Jalgaon (Maharashtra) Abstract: Education was one of the several planks of his larger civilization agenda. In which the independence of India was the main thrust.  Gandhi’s educational ideals were thus meant to transform backward, illiterate, exploited, desperately poor peasants into self-confident and self-respecting citizens of a new community and nation.  So in this paper discuss on Mahatma Gandhi’s thoughts on education & his policy. Introduction: Gandhi was elitist and most practical of our major educational thinkers of this century.  Gandhi’s idea of culture can be summed up in his reply of to Rabindranath Tagore: “I do not want my house to be walled in on all sides and my windows to be stuffed.  I want the cultures of all the lands to be blown about my house as freely as poss...

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